UK business visa

The United Kingdom (UK) is one of the most attractive destinations for international investors and entrepreneurs seeking to develop their business projects in a dynamic and stable economic environment. The British government provides various visa programmes designed to attract talented and experienced business people who can contribute to the country’s economy. One such programme is the business visa, which offers many opportunities to establish and grow a business in the UK.

Types of business visas to the UK

The UK offers several types of visas for foreign nationals intending to open or develop a business in the country. The main ones are:

  1. Innovator Visa
  2. Start-up Visa (Start-up Visa)
  3. Sole Representative Visa (Sole Representative Visa of a foreign company)
  4. Investor Visa (Investor Visa)

Innovator Visa

The Innovator Visa is for experienced entrepreneurs who have innovative business ideas and intend to develop them in the UK. The main requirements for this visa include:

  • Having an innovative, viable and scalable business idea that is supported by a UK endorsing body.
  • The minimum investment is £50,000.
  • The candidate must demonstrate English language proficiency at B2 level (IELTS 5.5).
  • Proof of funds available to live in the UK.

The visa is issued for a period of up to 3 years with the possibility of extension. After 5 years of stay in the country it is possible to apply for a permanent residence permit (Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR).

Start-up Visa

The Start-up Visa is for aspiring entrepreneurs who are looking to set up their first business in the UK. Unlike the Innovator Visa, the Start-up Visa does not require start-up capital. The basic requirements are:

  • Having an innovative, viable and scalable business idea approved by an accredited UK body.
  • The candidate must demonstrate English language proficiency at B2 level.
  • Proof of funds available for accommodation.

This visa is issued for 2 years without the possibility of renewal, but on expiry it is possible to apply for an Innovator Visa, provided the requirements of the latter are met.

Sole Representative Visa

Sole Representative Visa is for employees of overseas companies who are setting up a branch or subsidiary in the UK. The main conditions for obtaining this visa are:

  • The candidate must be appointed as the sole representative of the company in the UK.
  • The company must have its head office outside the UK and have no plans to move its main operations into the country.
  • The candidate cannot own a controlling interest in the company.

The visa is issued for up to 3 years with the possibility of extension for 2 years. After 5 years of residence it is possible to apply for ILR.

Investor Visa

The Investor Visa is designed for high net worth investors who are willing to invest heavily in the UK economy. Basic requirements:

  • The minimum investment is £2 million in UK companies or government bonds.
  • The candidate must be able to verify the legality of the source of funds.
  • Funds must be invested within 3 months of entry into the country.

The visa is issued for 3 years with the possibility of extension. Depending on the amount of investment, the possibility to apply for ILR arises after 2, 3 or 5 years.

Submission procedure and requirements

The process of applying for a UK business visa requires careful preparation and fulfilment of all eligibility criteria. The main steps include:

  1. Preparation of the business plan and its approval: The business plan must be developed in accordance with the requirements of the selected visa programme and approved by the relevant authority.
  2. Applying: Once your business plan has been approved, you must apply for a visa by submitting all required documents, including proof of funds, English language certificate and other relevant documents.
  3. Eligibility Check: It is important to make sure that the candidate fulfils all the established criteria, including language requirements, availability of funds for accommodation and investment, and necessary business connections.
  4. Decision: The application process can take several weeks, after which the candidate will receive notification of the decision.
  5. Entry and Registration: Once a visa has been granted, the candidate must enter the UK within the prescribed timeframe and register with the relevant authorities.

A UK business visa opens up a wide range of opportunities for international entrepreneurs and investors wishing to develop their business in one of the world’s leading economic centres. The right choice of visa programme and careful preparation of documents are the key factors for successful visa application and subsequent business development in the UK.

This article provides a general overview of the main visa programmes available for business in the UK, but it should be borne in mind that each case is different and consulting with a qualified lawyer will help to determine the best route to achieve your goals.

Who needs a Business visa to UK?

The UK continues to be one of the world’s leading centres for doing business, attracting entrepreneurs and investors from all over the world. Non-resident foreign nationals may find it necessary to apply for a business visa to conduct business activities in the UK. This article looks at the key aspects of who needs a business visa to enter the UK and what factors determine the need for such authorisation.

Main categories of persons requiring a business visa

The need for a business visa depends on a number of factors, including the nationality of the applicant, the purpose of the trip and the length of stay. Let’s look at the main categories of people who may need a business visa to enter the UK.

1. Citizens of countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland

From 1 January 2021, following the end of the Brexit transition period, citizens of countries outside the EEA, including citizens of states that were formerly part of the European Union, can no longer travel and work freely in the UK. As a result, nationals of most countries, with the exception of Irish nationals, must obtain an appropriate visa if their purpose of travelling to the UK is related to commercial activities.

2. Foreign entrepreneurs and investors

Foreign nationals planning to set up a business, invest in UK companies or operate a branch of a foreign company in the UK also need to obtain an appropriate business visa. The choice of a particular visa programme depends on the nature and scale of the proposed activity:

  • Innovator Visa – for experienced entrepreneurs with innovative ideas.
  • Investor Visa – for investors willing to invest significant sums in the UK economy.
  • Sole Representative Visa – for representatives of foreign companies planning to open a branch office in the UK.

3. Persons participating in business events

Individuals visiting the UK to attend conferences, seminars, business meetings or exhibitions may also need a visa, especially if their nationality does not exempt them from visa requirements. In this case, a standard Business Visitor Visa is most commonly required, which allows a stay of up to 6 months.

4. Employees of international companies

Employees of international companies temporarily seconded to branches or subsidiaries in the UK must apply for an appropriate visa if they plan to carry out work functions in the UK. This can be an Intra-Company Transfer Visa for employees transferring within the company.

Exceptions and special cases

There are certain categories of persons who may not need to obtain a business visa to enter the UK. These categories include:

  • Irish nationals: Under the Common Travel Area Agreement, Irish nationals have the right to travel and work freely in the UK without the need for a visa.
  • Short-term visits: In some cases, nationals of countries that do not require a visa for short-term visits may visit the UK for business purposes for up to 6 months without a separate business visa. However, such visits must be strictly limited to business meetings and cannot involve paid activity or long-term commitments.

The process of obtaining a business visa

The procedure for obtaining a UK business visa depends on the type of visa, the purpose of the visit and the nationality of the applicant. The main stages include:

  1. Selecting the appropriate visa: Determining the appropriate visa category based on the purpose of the visit and planned activities.
  2. Document preparation: Gathering the necessary documents, including proof of financial solvency, business connections, and English language skills, if required.
  3. Application: The visa application is submitted online with all required documents and visa application fee.
  4. Application processing: The application process can take several weeks, depending on the visa category and the country from which the application is made.
  5. Obtaining a visa and entering the country: Once a visa has been obtained, the applicant can enter the UK and commence planned activities.

Understanding the need for a business visa is a key aspect of successfully planning business travel and commercial activity in the UK. Depending on nationality, purpose and length of visit, foreign nationals may need to apply for the appropriate visa. Careful preparation and understanding of all visa requirements will avoid delays and ensure that your business is successful in the UK.

UK Business Visa Requirements

The UK is one of the most attractive places to do business due to its stable economy, favourable business environment and access to global markets. For foreign entrepreneurs and investors wishing to start or grow a business in the UK, obtaining a business visa is a necessary step. This article looks at the key requirements for obtaining different types of business visas to the UK.

Main categories of business visas to the UK

Before considering business visa requirements, it is important to understand what visa categories exist and what types of activities they cover. The main categories include:

  • Innovator Visa (Innovator Visa)
  • Start-up Visa (Start-up Visa)
  • Sole Representative Visa (Sole Representative Visa of a foreign company)
  • Investor Visa (Investor Visa)

General requirements for obtaining a business visa

While the specific requirements for each visa category vary, there are general requirements that must be met regardless of the type of visa:

1. Knowledge of English

A candidate for a business visa must demonstrate English language proficiency of at least B2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). This can be demonstrated by passing one of the recognised examinations such as IELTS or TOEFL, or by holding a relevant qualification obtained in English.

2. Financial solvency

The applicant must demonstrate that they have sufficient funds to live in the UK without the need to seek assistance from public services. The minimum amount varies depending on the visa category and dependants. For example, the Innovator Visa requires funds of at least £1,270 per principal applicant, plus additional amounts for each dependent.

3. Endorsement by an approved body (Endorsement)

The Innovator Visa and Start-up Visa require the support of an approved UK endorsing body to certify that the proposed business project is innovative, viable and scalable. The applicant must submit a detailed business plan which will be reviewed by the endorsing body.

4. Confirmation of the legitimacy of the source of funds

The Investor Visa requires proof of the legitimacy of the source of the funds being invested. The minimum investment amount is £2 million and the funds must have been in the applicant’s account for at least two years prior to application or be properly declared and supported by appropriate financial documents.

Specific requirements for different categories of business visas

In addition to the general requirements, each business visa category has its own unique criteria to consider when applying.

Innovator Visa

  • Investment: The minimum investment in the business project is £50,000.
  • Business idea approval: Submission of a detailed business plan to be approved by an accredited body. The business must be innovative and have the potential to scale.
  • Extension and ILR: The visa is issued for 3 years with the possibility of extension. After 5 years of stay it is possible to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR).

Start-up Visa

  • No start-up capital requirements: No start-up capital is required to obtain a Start-up Visa, but an approved business plan must be submitted.
  • Business Idea Approval: As with the Innovator Visa, the business plan must be approved by an accredited body.
  • Visa validity period: The visa is issued for 2 years without the possibility of extension, but further Innovator Visa is possible.

Sole Representative Visa

  • Appointment as sole representative: The applicant must be appointed as the sole representative of a foreign company setting up a branch or subsidiary in the UK.
  • Control of the company: The applicant must not own a controlling interest in the company he/she represents.
  • Extension and ILR: The visa is issued for 3 years with the possibility of extension for 2 years. After 5 years of residence it is possible to apply for ILR.

Investor Visa

  • Investment: The minimum investment amount is £2 million.
  • Authorised investments: Funds must be invested in UK companies or government bonds within 3 months of entering the country.
  • ILR eligibility: ILR eligibility depends on the amount invested. For investments of £10 million it is possible after 2 years, for investments of £5 million – after 3 years, for minimum investments – after 5 years.

Application procedure

The process of applying for a UK business visa involves the following steps:

  1. Selection of visa category: Determining the appropriate visa programme based on the nature of the activity and level of investment.
  2. Document preparation: Gathering all necessary documents including business plan, financial proofs, English language certificates and approval from the relevant authority.
  3. Online Application: Apply online, attach the required documents and pay the visa fee.
  4. Biometrics: Visit a visa centre to submit biometric data.
  5. Application processing: Waiting for a decision on the application, which can take from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the visa category and the nationality of the applicant.
  6. Obtaining a visa and entering the UK: Once the visa is approved, the applicant is authorised to enter the country and start a business.

The requirements for a UK business visa vary depending on the type of visa and the applicant’s objectives. Careful adherence to all criteria and the correct preparation of documents are key to successfully obtaining a visa and doing business in the UK. This article provides a general overview of the requirements, however individual circumstances may require further consultation with qualified lawyers or visa advisors.

UK Business Application Process

The UK continues to attract entrepreneurs and investors from around the world, offering a favourable business environment and access to international markets. For foreign nationals wishing to establish or grow a business in the UK, obtaining a business visa is an important step. The process of applying for a business visa involves several key steps, compliance with which is essential to successfully obtaining entry clearance. This article looks at the key steps and features of the UK business visa application process.

Steps in applying for a business visa

The process of obtaining a business visa to the UK can be divided into several stages, each of which requires a careful approach and compliance with all established requirements.

1. Determining the type of business visa

The first step in the application process is to choose the appropriate type of visa. The UK offers several types of business visas, each designed for different categories of entrepreneurs and investors. The main categories of business visas include:

  • Innovator Visa – for experienced entrepreneurs with innovative business ideas.
  • Start-up Visa – for aspiring entrepreneurs starting their first business.
  • Investor Visa – for individuals willing to invest significant sums in the UK economy.
  • Sole Representative Visa – for representatives of foreign companies setting up branches or subsidiaries in the UK.

The right choice of visa category depends on the applicant’s objectives, the amount of investment and the stage of development of the business.

2. Preparation of necessary documents

After selecting the appropriate visa, it is necessary to start collecting documents that confirm the applicant’s compliance with all the established criteria. Depending on the type of visa, the list of required documents may include:

  • Business Plan: The Innovator Visa and Start-up Visa require the submission of a detailed business plan, which must be approved by an accredited UK endorsing body. The plan must demonstrate the innovation, viability and scalability of the business.
  • Financial Documents: Proof of funds available for investment (for Investor Visa) or for living in the UK (for all visa categories).
  • English Language Certificate: Proof of English language proficiency at least at B2 level according to CEFR.
  • Documents confirming the legality of the source of funds: For Investor Visa it is necessary to provide documents confirming the legality of the origin of the invested funds.
  • Endorsement from an approved body: The Innovator Visa and Start-up Visa require endorsement from an accredited body that certifies the innovation and viability of the business project.

3. Submitting an online application

Applying for a business visa is done through the UK government’s online platform. The application process requires:

  • Fill in the relevant application form, providing all the required details including personal, business and purpose of travel.
  • Attach scanned copies of all required documents.
  • Pay the visa fee, the amount of which depends on the type of visa and the urgency of the application.

Once the application has been submitted, the applicant will receive confirmation of their registration and instructions for further action.

4. Surrender of biometric data

To complete the application process, the applicant must undergo a biometric data submission. This involves being photographed and fingerprinted at one of the visa application centres. The applicant must make an appointment at the nearest visa centre where they can take the biometrics.

5. Waiting for a decision on the application

Once the application has been submitted and biometric data has been submitted, the processing of the application begins. The processing time depends on the type of visa and the country from which the application is submitted and can vary from a few weeks to several months. It is important to note that the process may take longer if additional documents or checks are required.

6. Obtaining a visa and entering the UK

If the application is approved, the applicant will be issued with a visa allowing them to enter the UK and commence the stated business activities. The visa will be affixed to the applicant’s passport and the applicant must use it to enter the country within a specified period of time.

On arrival in the UK, the applicant may be required to undergo additional checks, including confirming the purpose of the visit and whether they have the necessary means of accommodation.

7. Fulfilment of visa conditions and extensions

Once in the UK, the applicant must comply with all conditions set out in the visa, including carrying on the declared activity and fulfilling financial obligations. If necessary, the visa can be extended if the applicant continues to fulfil the requirements. Some visa categories, such as the Innovator Visa and Investor Visa, also offer the possibility of obtaining Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) after a certain period of time.

The process of applying for a UK business visa requires careful preparation and careful adherence to all statutory requirements. From choosing the right type of visa to preparing documents and complying with all procedural formalities, each stage of the process is crucial to successfully obtaining authorisation to do business in the UK. This article provides a general guide to the main stages of the application process, however it is recommended that you consult with a qualified solicitor or visa adviser on a case-by-case basis to maximise your chances of success.

Business Schengen Visa in UK

Following the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union (Brexit), the country’s legal status in relation to the Schengen Agreement has changed. As a result, UK citizens and residents planning business trips to Schengen countries are required to obtain the appropriate visa. The Schengen Business Visa allows holders to visit the countries of the zone to attend business meetings, conferences, negotiations and other business-related events. This article looks at the features and process of obtaining a Schengen visa for business purposes for UK residents.

Schengen area: overview

The Schengen Area covers 27 European countries, including France, Germany, Italy, Spain and others. The main advantage of the Schengen zone is that there are no internal borders between member countries, allowing free movement between them. However, for citizens of non-Schengen countries, including the UK after Brexit, entry to the zone is only possible with a visa.

Who needs a Schengen business visa from the UK?

UK citizens and foreign residents living in the UK are required to obtain a Schengen visa for business travel to any of the Schengen countries. It is important to note that the requirements and process for obtaining a visa may vary depending on the country the applicant intends to visit in the first instance.

The main categories of persons requiring a Schengen business visa:

  1. UK citizens: After Brexit, UK citizens are no longer entitled to visa-free entry to the Schengen area for business purposes.
  2. Non-EU UK residents: Foreign nationals living in the UK on a visa or residence permit are also required to obtain a Schengen visa for business travel.

Basic requirements for obtaining a Schengen business visa

In order to successfully obtain a Schengen business visa, the applicant needs to fulfil a number of requirements imposed by the embassies and consulates of the Schengen countries.

1. Passport and personal documents

The applicant must have a valid passport, which must be valid for at least 3 months after the expected date of departure from the Schengen area. The passport must also contain at least two blank pages for the visa. It is important to provide copies of all pages with marks of previous visas and trips.

2. Confirmation of the business purpose of the trip

The applicant must provide documents to prove the business purpose of the trip. This may be:

  • An invitation from a company or organisation based in the Schengen area.
  • An official letter from your employer confirming attendance at a conference, meeting or other business event.
  • Confirmation of business event registration, if applicable.

3. Financial documents

The applicant must provide proof of sufficient funds to cover the costs of accommodation and transport throughout the trip. This may be bank statements, letters from sponsors or other financial documents.

4. Proof of residence

Proof of residence for the entire period of stay in the Schengen area must be provided. This can be:

  • Confirmation of hotel booking.
  • Flat Lease Agreement.
  • Invitation letter from the host if the applicant is staying in private accommodation.

5. Health insurance

Health insurance is a mandatory requirement for obtaining a Schengen visa. The insurance policy must cover the entire period of stay in the Schengen area and provide a minimum cover of €30,000. The insurance must cover all Schengen countries and include cover for medical emergencies, hospitalisation and repatriation.

6. Completed questionnaire and photograph

The applicant must fill in the visa application form provided by the consulate or embassy. The application form must be accompanied by a recent photograph that meets the requirements (e.g. 35×45 mm format, on a light-coloured background, without headgear or glasses).

Application process

The process of applying for a Schengen business visa from the UK involves several key steps.

1. Identification of the country of filing

The applicant must apply for a visa at the consulate or visa application centre of the Schengen country he/she plans to visit first or where the main part of his/her business trip will take place.

2. Filling in the application form and collecting documents

The visa application form can be completed online or manually, depending on the requirements of the particular consulate. After completing the application form, you need to collect all required documents, including passport, proof of financial solvency, accommodation booking and health insurance.

3. Making an appointment

The applicant must make an appointment at the consulate or visa application centre to submit documents and submit biometric data (if required). It is important to make an appointment well in advance as waiting times can be significant, especially during peak periods.

4. Submission of the application and payment of the fee

At the reception, the applicant submits all documents, the application form and pays the visa fee. The fee may vary depending on the country and type of visa. The applicant also submits biometric data, if this has not been done before.

5. Waiting for a decision

Once an application is submitted, the application process begins. The processing time can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. In some cases, the applicant may need additional documents or information, which increases the waiting time.

6. Obtaining a visa

If the application is approved, the applicant is issued a visa pasted in his/her passport. The visa allows entry into the Schengen area and stays there for the period specified in the visa, which may be limited to one or more trips.

Obtaining a Schengen business visa for UK residents requires compliance with all established procedures and requirements. Correct preparation of documents and careful adherence to all stages of the application process significantly increases the chances of successfully obtaining a visa. A Schengen business visa opens up opportunities to participate in business events and meetings in Europe, which facilitates business development and the establishment of international contacts. It is important to remember that each case is different and it is recommended to seek advice from visa specialists for maximum confidence in the successful outcome of the case.

UK Visa Types

The UK is one of the most attractive destinations for travellers, students, investors and entrepreneurs from all over the world. To enter the country, most foreign nationals must obtain a visa appropriate to the purpose of their trip. There are many categories of visas, each designed for a specific type of visit and with its own unique requirements. This article discusses the main types of visas to the UK, their features and conditions for obtaining them.

Main categories of visas to the UK

The UK offers different types of visas, which can be categorised into a few main categories:

  1. Visitor Visas (Visitor Visas)
  2. Work Visas
  3. Student Visas (Student Visas)
  4. Business Visas (Business Visas)
  5. Family Visas
  6. Investment and Entrepreneur Visas (Investment and Entrepreneur Visas)

1. Visitor Visas (Visitor Visas)

Visitor visas are for short-term visits to the UK, such as tourism, visiting friends or relatives, attending conferences or other short-term events.

  • Standard Visitor Visa: Basic visa for short-term travellers, valid for up to 6 months. It can be used for tourism, business travel, family visits, medical treatment or short-term study.
  • Marriage Visitor Visa: A visa for those who plan to marry or enter into a civil partnership in the UK but do not intend to remain in the country afterwards.
  • Permitted Paid Engagement Visa: A visa for professionals invited for short-term paid employment in the UK (up to 1 month).

2. Work Visas (Work Visas)

Work visas are for foreign nationals who plan to work in the UK. These visas require an employer willing to sponsor the applicant.

  • Skilled Worker Visa: The main visa for skilled professionals who have received a job offer from a UK employer with a sponsorship licence. Requires proof of qualifications and salary level.
  • Global Talent Visa: A visa for highly skilled professionals in science, arts, digital technology who have been approved by one of the UK’s accredited bodies.
  • Intra-Company Transfer Visa: A visa for employees of international companies transferring to work in a branch or subsidiary in the UK.
  • Health and Care Worker Visa: A specialised visa for healthcare workers who have received an offer of employment with the National Health Service (NHS) or private healthcare providers.

3. Student Visas (Student Visas)

The UK attracts students from all over the world, offering high quality education and the opportunity to earn internationally recognised degrees.

  • Student Visa: A visa for students enrolled at an accredited UK institution. Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) and proof of financial means to cover tuition and living expenses are required.
  • Child Student Visa: A visa for children aged between 4 and 17 who are enrolled in British schools.
  • Short-term Study Visa: Visa for short-term study courses not exceeding 6 months (or 11 months for English language study).

4. Business Visas (Business Visas)

Business visas are for foreign nationals who plan to develop or run a business in the UK.

  • Innovator Visa: Visa for experienced entrepreneurs proposing innovative and scalable business ideas. Requires support from an accredited body and a minimum investment of £50,000.
  • Start-up Visa: A visa for aspiring entrepreneurs planning to set up their first business in the UK. It does not require start-up capital but does require approval of a business plan.
  • Sole Representative Visa: A visa for the sole representative of a foreign company setting up a branch or subsidiary in the UK.

5. Family Visas (Family Visas)

Family visas allow foreign nationals to join their relatives living in the UK.

  • Spouse Visa: Visa for spouses and civil partners of British citizens or UK residents. Requires proof of financial solvency and authentication of the relationship.
  • Parent Visa: Visa for parents of minor children living in the UK.
  • Child Visa: A visa for children of British citizens or residents who wish to move to the UK with their parents.

6. Investment and Entrepreneur Visas (Investment and Entrepreneur Visas)

These visas are designed for wealthy investors and entrepreneurs who are willing to invest heavily in the UK economy.

  • Investor Visa: Visa for investors willing to invest a minimum of £2 million in UK companies or government bonds. Allows you to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) after 2-5 years depending on the amount invested.
  • Innovator Visa: The visa described earlier, which is also categorised as an investment visa due to the minimum business investment requirement.

Application process

The UK visa application process involves several steps:

  1. Determining the appropriate visa: Selecting a visa that is appropriate for the purpose of the trip.
  2. Document preparation: Gathering the necessary documents such as passport, proof of financial solvency, invitation from employer or educational institution and others.
  3. Applying: Filling out the online application form on the official UK government website and submitting all the required documents.
  4. Biometric data submission: Visiting the visa centre for fingerprinting and photographing.
  5. Waiting for a decision: Waiting for the outcome of the application, which can take from a few weeks to a few months.
  6. Obtaining a visa: If approved, the applicant is issued a visa stamped in his/her passport.

The UK offers a wide range of visas for different categories of foreign nationals, whether they are tourists, students, entrepreneurs or investors. Each type of visa has its own unique requirements and application process, so it is important to prepare carefully and choose the right visa category depending on the purpose of your trip. The right approach to selecting and applying for a visa will ensure successful entry clearance and maximise the opportunities available in the UK.

How to apply for business visa in UK

The UK attracts entrepreneurs and investors from all over the world due to its stable economy, favourable business environment and access to international markets. In order to conduct business in the UK, foreign nationals must obtain the appropriate business visa. This article details the process of applying for a UK business visa, including the key steps, requirements and advice for successfully obtaining a visa.

Main types of business visas to the UK

Before you begin the application process, it is important to determine what type of business visa suits your goals and plans. The UK offers several main categories of business visas:

  • Innovator Visa – for experienced entrepreneurs with innovative business ideas that require investment.
  • Start-up Visa – for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to set up their first business in the UK.
  • Investor Visa – for high net worth investors who are ready to make a significant investment in the UK economy.
  • Sole Representative Visa – for a sole representative of a foreign company setting up a branch in the UK.
  • Business Visitor Visa – for short-term business travel, such as attending conferences or business meetings.

Business visa application process

The process of applying for a UK business visa consists of several stages, each of which requires careful preparation and compliance.

1. Determination of the appropriate visa

The first step is to select a visa category that matches your business goals. Choosing the right visa depends on the success of the entire process, as each category has its own unique requirements and restrictions. For example, the Innovator Visa is for those who have innovative business ideas and can attract investment, while the Investor Visa requires significant capital to invest in the British economy.

2. Preparation of necessary documents

In order to successfully obtain a business visa, the applicant must provide a full package of documents to prove compliance with the requirements of the selected visa category. The main documents include:

  • Passport: A valid passport with a minimum of two blank pages, which must be valid for at least three months after the intended date of departure from the UK.
  • Business Plan: The Innovator Visa and Start-up Visa require a detailed business plan that demonstrates the innovation, viability and scalability of the business idea. The business plan must be approved by an accredited UK endorsing body.
  • Financial Documents: Proof of funds available for investment (for Investor Visa) or funds to live in the UK (for all visa categories).
  • English Language Certificate: Proof of English language proficiency at B2 level or above (e.g. by passing the IELTS exam).
  • Endorsement from an approved body: The Innovator Visa and Start-up Visa require endorsement from an accredited UK body that confirms the innovation and viability of the business project.
  • Proof of means to live: Proof of sufficient means to live in the UK without recourse to public services.

3. Filling in the online application form

Once all the necessary documents have been prepared, the applicant must complete an online application form on the UK government’s website. In the application form it is required to specify:

  • Personal details of the applicant.
  • Information about the purpose of the trip.
  • Information on financial status and sources of income.
  • Information on previous travel and visas (if applicable).

After completing the application form, the visa fee must be paid. The amount of the fee depends on the type of visa and the urgency of the application.

4. Surrender of biometric data

To complete the application process, a biometric data submission is required. The applicant must make an appointment at the nearest visa application centre for fingerprinting and photographing. This step is mandatory for all applicants above 5 years of age.

5. Waiting for a decision on the application

After submitting the application and biometric data, the application process begins. The processing time varies depending on the visa category and may take several weeks to several months. The applicant may be required to submit additional documents or attend an interview if necessary.

6. Obtaining a visa and entering the UK

If the application is approved, the applicant will receive a visa stamped into their passport. The visa allows the applicant to enter the UK and commence the stated business activities. The applicant should enter the country within the validity period of the visa and register with the relevant authorities on arrival.

Recommendations for a successful application

To increase your chances of successfully obtaining a UK business visa, you should consider the following tips:

  • Thorough preparation of documents: Ensure that all documents meet the requirements and are submitted in full. Incomplete or incorrect documents may result in a visa refusal.
  • Consultation with a lawyer: Visa requirements can be complex, especially for business visas. Consultation with a qualified lawyer or visa consultant can help avoid mistakes and increase the chances of success.
  • Timeliness: The filing of the application should be done well in advance, especially if the plan is to start the business within a certain time frame.
  • Preparing for a possible interview: The applicant may be required to attend an interview at a consulate or visa application centre. It is important to be prepared to answer questions relating to the purpose of the trip and plans to do business in the UK.

Applying for a UK business visa is a complex process that requires careful preparation and adherence to all established procedures. From choosing the right visa category and preparing the documents to passing the biometrics and going through the interview, every step is important for successful visa application. Following the recommendations and timely consultation with professionals will help to avoid mistakes and ensure a successful start of business in the UK.

Processing Time for a UK Business Visa

One of the most important factors when applying for a UK business visa is the processing time. For entrepreneurs and investors planning to do business in the UK, understanding visa processing times is crucial as it directly affects the planning of business transactions, meetings and other events. This article discusses key aspects related to the processing time of a UK business visa application, including factors affecting processing times and recommendations for speeding up the process.

Main factors affecting the review time

The processing time for a UK business visa application can vary depending on a number of factors. Understanding these factors will help applicants to be better prepared and minimise potential delays.

1. Type of business visa

The processing time of the application directly depends on the visa category selected. For example:

  • Innovator Visa and Start-up Visa: Processing of applications for these visas usually takes between 3 and 8 weeks. The processing time may vary depending on the complexity of the business plan and the need for additional checks.
  • Investor Visa: Investor Visa applications also take an average of 3 to 8 weeks to process. Delays may occur in verifying the sources of the invested funds and their legitimacy.
  • Business Visitor Visa: Short-term visas for business travellers are processed faster and usually take between 15 working days and 4 weeks.

2. Seasonality and workload of visa centres

Seasonality and the number of applications submitted can significantly affect processing times. During peak seasons, such as summer and the end of the year, waiting times may increase due to an increased number of applications.

3. Place of application

Processing times also depend on the country of application and the workload of the particular visa application centre. Visa application centres in countries with high demand for British visas may have longer processing times due to heavy workloads.

4. Completeness and correctness of submitted documents

One of the frequent causes of delays is the submission of incomplete documents or documents that do not fulfil the requirements. In such cases, visa officers may request additional information, which will increase the overall processing time.

5. Security and legality checks

Business visa applications, particularly those involving large investments or new business projects, may require additional checks by the UK authorities. This includes checking the sources of funds, the legality of the activity and the safety of the business in terms of the UK’s national interest.

Standard timeframes for processing applications

Although the exact processing times may vary, there are standard guidelines that visa application centres follow when processing applications for different types of business visas:

  • Standard Business Visitor Visa: 15 working days to 4 weeks.
  • Innovator Visa and Start-up Visa: 3 to 8 weeks.
  • Investor Visa: 3 to 8 weeks, depending on the scope of the checks.

Express processing and priority services

For applicants who need to obtain a visa urgently, the UK offers express processing services:

  • Priority Service: This service reduces the processing time to 5 working days. This service is not available for all visa types and in all countries, therefore the applicant should check in advance the availability of priority processing with his/her visa application centre.
  • Super Priority Service: Ensures that the application is processed within 24 hours. However, this service is only available for certain visa categories and at a limited number of visa centres.

It is important to note that the use of priority services requires payment of an additional fee and the success of processing within the promised timeframe is not always guaranteed, especially if the application requires additional checks.

Recommendations to minimise review time

In order to reduce visa waiting time and avoid delays, applicants are advised to follow a few important guidelines:

  1. Thorough preparation of documents: Ensure that all required documents are collected, properly completed and compliant. This will help avoid requests for additional documents.
  2. Early Planning: Apply for your visa well in advance, taking into account possible delays, especially during peak seasons.
  3. Use of Priority Services: If obtaining a visa on short notice is critical, consider using Priority or Super Priority Service.
  4. Consultation with a lawyer: In complex cases, such as large investments or innovative business projects, it is advisable to consult a lawyer specialising in visa law to minimise the risks of delays.

The processing time of a UK business visa application is an important factor affecting business planning. Understanding the key aspects affecting processing times and following the guidelines will help to minimise potential delays and ensure that your visa is granted in a timely manner. Successful application depends on careful preparation of documents, correct choice of visa type and consideration of all procedural nuances, which will allow the applicant to start doing business in the UK in a timely manner.

Business visa for UK from India

The UK is one of the key global centres for doing business and attracts entrepreneurs, investors and professionals from various countries including India. For Indian nationals planning to do business in the UK, an appropriate visa is required. This article discusses the main categories of business visas for entering the UK, the application process, and the key requirements for Indian nationals.

Main categories of business visas to the UK

The UK offers several types of visas for different business purposes, from short-term business travel to long-term investment and setting up new businesses. The main categories include:

1. Business Visitor Visa

Business Visitor Visa is intended for short-term business travel such as attending conferences, negotiations, business meetings and exhibitions. Main features of the visa:

  • Validity Period: The visa is issued for a period of up to 6 months.
  • Purposes of the trip: Business negotiations, participation in conferences, market research, contracting, visiting exhibitions.
  • Restrictions: The visa holder is not entitled to receive a salary in the UK and cannot engage in long-term business activity.

2. Innovator Visa

The Innovator Visa is for experienced entrepreneurs who have innovative business ideas and plan to realise them in the UK. Basic requirements:

  • Investment: The minimum investment in the business project is £50,000.
  • Business idea endorsement: The business plan must be endorsed by an accredited UK body (endorsing body).
  • Duration of the visa: The visa is issued for a period of up to 3 years with the possibility of extension and obtaining a permanent residence permit (Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) after 5 years.

3. Start-up Visa

The Start-up Visa is designed for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to set up their first business in the UK. Unlike the Innovator Visa, it does not require start-up capital. Key features:

  • Business idea support: The applicant must obtain approval from an accredited UK body.
  • Visa validity: The visa is issued for 2 years without the possibility of extension, but it is possible to apply for Innovator Visa after the expiry date.

4. Investor Visa

The Investor Visa is designed for high net worth individuals who are willing to make a significant investment in the UK economy. Basic requirements:

  • Minimum investment: The minimum investment is £2 million.
  • Duration of the visa: The visa is issued for 3 years with the possibility of extension. Possibility to apply for ILR after 2, 3 or 5 years depending on the amount of investment.

5. Sole Representative Visa

The Sole Representative Visa is for representatives of foreign companies setting up a branch or subsidiary in the UK. Basic requirements:

  • Appointment as representative: The applicant must be appointed as the sole representative of the company in the UK.
  • Control of the company: The applicant must not own a controlling interest in the company.
  • Visa validity: The visa is issued for 3 years with the possibility of extension for 2 years.

Process of applying for a business visa for Indian nationals

The process of obtaining a UK business visa involves several key stages, from preparing your documents to applying for and receiving your visa. Let’s look at each stage in more detail.

1. Determining the type of visa

The first step is to select the appropriate visa category to suit the purpose of the trip. To do this, it is important to clearly define the nature of the activities that the applicant plans to undertake in the UK and the length of stay.

2. Preparation of necessary documents

In order to successfully obtain a visa, it is necessary to collect a complete package of documents, which includes:

  • Passport: A valid passport with a minimum of two blank pages and valid for at least three months after the expected date of departure from the UK.
  • Business Plan: The Innovator Visa and Start-up Visa require a detailed business plan approved by an accredited body.
  • Financial Documents: Proof of funds available to invest or live in the UK.
  • English Language Certificate: Proof of English language proficiency at least at B2 level (e.g. by passing the IELTS exam).
  • Proof of business purpose of the trip: Invitation from a UK company, confirmation of participation in a business event, etc.
  • Health Insurance: A valid insurance policy for the whole period of your stay in the UK.

3. Filling in the online application form

The visa application form is submitted online through the official UK government website. The application form includes the following details:

  • Applicant’s personal information.
  • Information about the purpose of the trip.
  • Financial situation and sources of income.
  • Details of previous trips and visas.

After completing the application form, the visa fee must be paid, the amount of which depends on the visa category and the urgency of processing the application.

4. Surrender of biometric data

To complete the application process, the applicant needs to undergo a biometric data submission. This involves being photographed and fingerprinted at one of the visa centres in India.

5. Waiting for a decision

Once the application is submitted, the processing of the application begins. The processing time can vary from several weeks to several months depending on the type of visa and the workload of the visa application centre.

6. Obtaining a visa

If the application is approved, the applicant will be granted a visa which allows them to enter the UK and commence their declared business activities. It is important to enter the country within the validity period of the visa and to comply with all the conditions set out in the visa.

Recommendations for successful visa application

To increase the chances of successfully obtaining a UK business visa, Indian nationals are advised to follow a few important guidelines:

  1. Thorough preparation of documents: Ensure that all documents are compliant and submitted in full.
  2. Apply early: Plan your application early, especially during peak seasons, to avoid delays.
  3. Using Priority Services: If time is a critical factor, consider using Priority or Super Priority Service to expedite your application.
  4. Consultation with a visa specialist: In complex cases, such as large investments or innovative business projects, it is recommended to consult a lawyer or visa consultant.

Obtaining a UK business visa for Indian nationals requires careful preparation and careful adherence to all procedural requirements. Understanding the different types of visas and their respective conditions, as well as the correct approach to document collection and application, will help minimise the risks of rejection and ensure a successful start of business in the UK. If necessary, professional advice and support can greatly simplify the process and increase the chances of success.

Business visa for UK from Pakistan

The UK is one of the world’s leading centres for doing business, attracting entrepreneurs, investors and professionals from all over the world, including Pakistan. For Pakistani nationals planning to do business in the UK, an appropriate visa is required. This article details the main categories of UK business visas, the application process, and the key requirements for Pakistani nationals.

Main categories of business visas to the UK

The UK offers several types of visas for different business purposes. The choice of the appropriate category depends on the nature of the activities that the applicant plans to carry out in the country. Let us consider the main categories of business visas:

1. Business Visitor Visa

Business Visitor Visa is intended for short-term business travel such as attending conferences, business meetings, negotiations and exhibitions. Main features of the visa:

  • Validity Period: The visa is issued for a period of up to 6 months.
  • Purposes of the trip: Participation in business meetings, negotiations, conferences, market research, conclusion of contracts.
  • Restrictions: The visa holder is not entitled to receive a salary in the UK and cannot engage in long-term business activity.

2. Innovator Visa

The Innovator Visa is for experienced entrepreneurs with innovative business ideas that they intend to realise in the UK. Basic requirements:

  • Investment: The minimum investment in the business project is £50,000.
  • Business idea endorsement: The business plan must be endorsed by an accredited UK body (endorsing body).
  • Duration of the visa: The visa is issued for a period of up to 3 years with the possibility of extension and obtaining a permanent residence permit (Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) after 5 years.

3. Start-up Visa

The Start-up Visa is designed for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to set up their first business in the UK. Unlike the Innovator Visa, this visa does not require start-up capital. Key features:

  • Business idea support: The applicant must obtain approval from an accredited UK body.
  • Visa validity: The visa is issued for 2 years without the possibility of extension, but after this period it is possible to apply for Innovator Visa.

4. Investor Visa

The Investor Visa is designed for high net worth individuals who are willing to make a significant investment in the UK economy. Basic requirements:

  • Minimum investment: The minimum investment is £2 million.
  • Duration of the visa: The visa is issued for 3 years with the possibility of extension. Possibility to apply for ILR after 2, 3 or 5 years depending on the amount of investment.

5. Sole Representative Visa

The Sole Representative Visa is for representatives of foreign companies setting up a branch or subsidiary in the UK. Basic requirements:

  • Appointment of Representative: The applicant must be appointed as the sole representative of the company in the UK.
  • Control of the company: The applicant must not own a controlling interest in the company.
  • Visa validity: The visa is issued for 3 years with the possibility of extension for 2 years.

Business visa application process for Pakistani nationals

The process of obtaining a business visa to the UK for Pakistani nationals involves several key steps. Let’s look at each stage in more detail.

1. Determining the type of visa

The first step is to select the appropriate visa category depending on the purpose of your trip. Choosing the right visa is crucial, as each type of visa has its own unique requirements and restrictions.

2. Preparation of necessary documents

In order to successfully obtain a business visa, it is necessary to submit a full package of documents confirming compliance with the requirements of the selected visa category. The main documents include:

  • Passport: A valid passport with a minimum of two blank pages and valid for at least three months after the expected date of departure from the UK.
  • Business Plan: The Innovator Visa and Start-up Visa require a detailed business plan that must be approved by an accredited body.
  • Financial Documents: Proof of funds available to invest or live in the UK.
  • English Language Certificate: Proof of English language proficiency at least at B2 level (e.g. by passing the IELTS exam).
  • Proof of the business purpose of the trip: Invitation from a UK company, confirmation of participation in a business event, etc.
  • Health Insurance: A valid insurance policy for the whole period of your stay in the UK.

3. Filling in the online application form

The visa application is submitted online through the official website of the UK government. The application form should contain personal data of the applicant, information about the purpose of the trip, financial situation and sources of income, as well as data on previous trips and visas.

After completing the application form, the visa fee must be paid, the amount of which depends on the visa category and the urgency of processing the application.

4. Surrender of biometric data

To complete the application process, the applicant needs to undergo a biometric data submission process, which includes photographing and fingerprinting at one of the visa centres in Pakistan.

5. Waiting for a decision

Once the application is submitted, the processing of the application begins. The processing time can vary depending on the type of visa and the workload of the visa application centre. It usually takes from a few weeks to a few months.

6. Obtaining a visa

If the application is approved, the applicant will be granted a visa which allows them to enter the UK and commence their declared business activities. It is important to enter the country within the validity period of the visa and to comply with all the conditions set out in the visa.

Recommendations for successful visa application

To increase the chances of successfully obtaining a UK business visa for Pakistani nationals, it is advisable to follow the following guidelines:

  1. Thorough preparation of documents: Ensure that all documents are collected, properly completed and meet the requirements. Incomplete or incorrectly completed documents may result in delays or refusal of the visa application.
  2. Apply early: Apply for your visa well in advance, especially if you plan to travel during peak seasons, to avoid possible delays.
  3. Use of Priority Services: If obtaining a visa on short notice is critical, consider using Priority or Super Priority Service, which speed up the application process.
  4. Consultation with a visa specialist: In complex cases, such as large investments or innovative business projects, it is advisable to consult a visa consultant or lawyer to minimise the risks and increase the chances of success.

Obtaining a business visa to the UK for Pakistani nationals requires careful preparation and careful adherence to all procedural requirements. Choosing the right type of visa, meeting the requirements and submitting the application in a timely manner are key factors in successfully obtaining a visa. If necessary, professional advice can greatly simplify the application process and increase the chances of success, ensuring that Pakistani nationals can effectively conduct business in the UK.

Business visa for UK from Bangladesh

The UK is an important centre of the global economy, attracting entrepreneurs, investors and professionals from all over the world, including Bangladesh. For Bangladeshi nationals planning to do business in the UK, an appropriate visa is required. This article discusses the main categories of business visas to enter the UK, the application process, and the key requirements for Bangladeshi nationals.

Main categories of business visas to the UK

The UK offers different types of business visas that allow entrepreneurs, investors and professionals to visit the country for different purposes. Let’s take a look at the main categories of business visas:

1. Business Visitor Visa

Business Visitor Visa is intended for short-term business travel such as attending conferences, negotiations, business meetings and exhibitions. The main features of this visa are:

  • Validity Period: The visa is issued for a period of up to 6 months.
  • Purposes of the trip: Business negotiations, participation in conferences, market research, conclusion of contracts.
  • Restrictions: The visa holder is not entitled to receive a salary in the UK and cannot be engaged in business on a permanent basis.

2. Innovator Visa

The Innovator Visa is for experienced entrepreneurs who have innovative business ideas and intend to realise them in the UK. Basic requirements:

  • Investment: The minimum investment in the business project is £50,000.
  • Business idea endorsement: The business plan must be endorsed by an accredited UK body (endorsing body).
  • Duration of the visa: The visa is issued for a period of up to 3 years with the possibility of extension and obtaining a permanent residence permit (Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) after 5 years.

3. Start-up Visa

The Start-up Visa is designed for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to set up their first business in the UK. Key features:

  • Business idea support: The applicant must obtain approval from an accredited UK body.
  • Visa validity: The visa is issued for 2 years without the possibility of extension, but after the expiry date it is possible to apply for Innovator Visa.

4. Investor Visa

The Investor Visa is designed for high net worth individuals who are willing to invest heavily in the UK economy. Basic requirements:

  • Minimum investment: The minimum investment is £2 million.
  • Duration of the visa: The visa is issued for 3 years with the possibility of extension. The possibility to apply for ILR arises after 2, 3 or 5 years depending on the amount of investment.

5. Sole Representative Visa

The Sole Representative Visa is for representatives of foreign companies who are setting up a branch or subsidiary in the UK. Basic requirements:

  • Appointment of Representative: The applicant must be appointed as the sole representative of the company in the UK.
  • Control of the company: The applicant must not own a controlling interest in the company.
  • Visa validity: The visa is issued for 3 years with the possibility of extension for 2 years.

Business visa application process for Bangladeshi nationals

The process of obtaining a business visa to the UK for Bangladeshi nationals involves several stages, each of which requires careful preparation and compliance. Let us consider each stage in more detail.

  1. Determining the type of visa

The first step is to select the appropriate visa category that best suits your business objectives. This choice is key, as each visa type has its own unique requirements and restrictions.

2. Preparation of necessary documents

In order to successfully obtain a visa, it is necessary to prepare a full package of documents confirming the applicant’s compliance with all the criteria of the selected visa category. The main documents include:

  • Passport: A valid passport with a minimum of two blank pages and valid for at least three months after the expected date of departure from the UK.
  • Business Plan: For Innovator Visa and Start-up Visa, a detailed business plan must be submitted and approved by an accredited body.
  • Financial Documents: Proof of funds available for investment (for Investor Visa) or for living in the UK (for all visa categories).
  • English Language Certificate: Proof of English language proficiency at least at B2 level (e.g. IELTS exam results).
  • Proof of the business purpose of the trip: Invitation from a UK company, confirmation of participation in a business event, etc.
  • Health Insurance: An insurance policy covering the whole period of your stay in the UK.

3. Filling in the online application form

The next step is to fill in the online application form on the official website of the UK government. The questionnaire should contain the following data:

  • Personal details of the applicant.
  • Information about the purpose of the trip.
  • Financial situation and sources of income.
  • Details of previous trips and visas.

After completing the application form, you must pay the visa fee, the amount of which depends on the type of visa and the chosen timeframe for processing the application.

4. Surrender of biometric data

To complete the application process, the applicant needs to undergo a biometric data submission procedure, which includes photographing and fingerprinting. This procedure is carried out at visa application centres in Bangladesh.

5. Waiting for a decision

Once the application is submitted, the processing of the application begins. The processing time depends on the visa category and the workload of the visa application centre, but usually ranges from a few weeks to a few months.

6. Obtaining a visa

If the application is approved, the applicant is granted a visa which allows them to enter the UK and commence their declared business activities. It is important to enter the country within the validity period of the visa and to comply with all conditions imposed by the visa.

Recommendations for successful visa application

To increase the chances of successfully obtaining a UK business visa for Bangladeshi nationals, it is advisable to follow the following guidelines:

  1. Thorough preparation of documents: Make sure that all the necessary documents are collected, correctly completed and meet the requirements of the visa application centre. Incomplete or incorrect documents may result in delays or refusal of the visa application.
  2. Apply early: Apply for your visa well in advance, especially if you plan to travel during peak seasons, to avoid possible delays.
  3. Using Priority Service: If you need to obtain a visa in a short time, consider using Priority or Super Priority Service, which speeds up the application process.
  4. Consultation with a visa specialist: In case of complex situations, for example when applying for large investment or innovative business visas, it is advisable to consult a visa consultant or lawyer. This will help to minimise risks and increase the likelihood of success.

Obtaining a UK business visa for Bangladeshis requires careful preparation and compliance with all procedural requirements. Understanding the different visa types and their respective conditions, as well as the correct approach to document collection and application, will help to minimise the risks of refusal and ensure a successful start of business in the UK. Where necessary, professional advice and support can greatly simplify the application process and increase the chances of a successful visa application.

Business visa for UK from Nepal

The UK, as one of the world’s leading economic centres, attracts entrepreneurs, investors and professionals from all over the world, including Nepal. For Nepali nationals wishing to do business in the UK, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate visa. This article discusses the main categories of UK business visas, the application process, and the key requirements for Nepali nationals.

Main categories of business visas to the UK

The UK offers different types of visas for business purposes, ranging from short-term business travel to long-term investment and setting up new businesses. The main categories of business visas include:

1. Business Visitor Visa

Business Visitor Visa is intended for short-term business travel such as attending conferences, negotiations, business meetings and exhibitions. The main features of this visa are:

  • Validity Period: The visa is issued for a period of up to 6 months.
  • Purposes of the trip: Business negotiations, participation in conferences, market research, conclusion of contracts.
  • Restrictions: The visa holder is not entitled to receive a salary in the UK and cannot be engaged in business on a permanent basis.

2. Innovator Visa

The Innovator Visa is for experienced entrepreneurs who have innovative business ideas and plan to realise them in the UK. Basic requirements:

  • Investment: The minimum investment in the business project is £50,000.
  • Business idea endorsement: The business plan must be endorsed by an accredited UK body (endorsing body).
  • Duration of the visa: The visa is issued for a period of up to 3 years with the possibility of extension and obtaining a permanent residence permit (Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) after 5 years.

3. Start-up Visa

The Start-up Visa is designed for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to set up their first business in the UK. Unlike the Innovator Visa, it does not require start-up capital. Key features:

  • Business idea support: The applicant must obtain approval from an accredited UK body.
  • Visa validity: The visa is issued for 2 years without the possibility of extension, but after this period it is possible to apply for Innovator Visa.

4. Investor Visa

The Investor Visa is designed for high net worth individuals who are willing to make a significant investment in the UK economy. Basic requirements:

  • Minimum investment: The minimum investment is £2 million.
  • Duration of the visa: The visa is issued for 3 years with the possibility of extension. The possibility to apply for ILR arises after 2, 3 or 5 years depending on the amount of investment.

5. Sole Representative Visa

The Sole Representative Visa is for representatives of foreign companies who are setting up a branch or subsidiary in the UK. Basic requirements:

  • Appointment as representative: The applicant must be appointed as the sole representative of the company in the UK.
  • Control of the company: The applicant must not own a controlling interest in the company.
  • Visa validity: The visa is issued for 3 years with the possibility of extension for 2 years.

Business visa application process for Nepalese nationals

The process of obtaining a UK business visa for Nepalese nationals involves several key steps, each of which requires careful preparation and compliance. Let’s look at each stage in more detail.

1. Determining the type of visa

The first step is to select the appropriate visa category that matches your business objectives. Choosing the right visa is critical, as each visa type has its own unique requirements and restrictions.

2. Preparation of necessary documents

In order to successfully obtain a visa, it is necessary to collect a full package of documents confirming the applicant’s compliance with all the requirements of the selected visa category. The main documents include:

  • Passport: A valid passport with a minimum of two blank pages and valid for at least three months after the expected date of departure from the UK.
  • Business Plan: For Innovator Visa and Start-up Visa, a detailed business plan must be submitted and approved by an accredited body.
  • Financial Documents: Proof of funds available for investment (for Investor Visa) or for living in the UK (for all visa categories).
  • English Language Certificate: Proof of English language proficiency at least at B2 level (e.g. by passing the IELTS exam).
  • Proof of the business purpose of the trip: Invitation from a UK company, confirmation of participation in a business event, etc.
  • Health Insurance: A valid insurance policy covering the whole period of your stay in the UK.

3. Filling in the online application form

The next step is to fill in the online application form on the official website of the UK government. The questionnaire should contain the following data:

  • Personal details of the applicant.
  • Information about the purpose of the trip.
  • Financial situation and sources of income.
  • Previous travel and visa details.

After completing the application form, you must pay the visa fee, the amount of which depends on the type of visa and the chosen timeframe for processing the application.

4. Surrender of biometric data

In order to complete the application process, the applicant needs to undergo a biometric data submission procedure, which includes photographing and fingerprinting. This procedure is carried out at visa application centres in Nepal.

5. Waiting for a decision

Once the application is submitted, the processing of the application begins. The processing time depends on the visa category and the workload of the visa application centre, but usually ranges from a few weeks to a few months.

6. Obtaining a visa

If the application is approved, the applicant is granted a visa which allows them to enter the UK and commence their declared business activities. It is important to enter the country within the validity period of the visa and to comply with all conditions imposed by the visa.

Recommendations for successful visa application

To increase the chances of successfully obtaining a UK business visa for Nepali nationals, it is advisable to follow the following guidelines:

  1. Thorough preparation of documents: Make sure that all the necessary documents are collected, correctly completed and meet the requirements of the visa application centre. Incomplete or incorrect documents may result in delays or refusal of the visa application.
  2. Apply early: Apply for your visa well in advance, especially if you plan to travel during peak seasons, to avoid possible delays.
  3. Using Priority Services: If you need to obtain a visa in a short period of time, consider using Priority or Super Priority Service, which speed up the application process.
  4. Consultation with a visa specialist: In case of complex situations, such as applying for large investment or innovative business visas, it is advisable to consult a visa consultant or lawyer. This will help minimise risks and increase the likelihood of success.


Obtaining a UK business visa for Nepalese nationals requires careful preparation and compliance with all procedural requirements. Understanding the different types of visas and their respective conditions, as well as the correct approach to document collection and application, will help minimise the risk of rejection and ensure a successful start of business in the UK. Where necessary, professional advice and support can greatly simplify the application process and increase the chances of a successful visa application.